“I was one of the (many!) attendees for last night’s zoom talk and I wanted to reach out to say thank you. I am so appreciative of your non-judgmental and compassionate approach to many common parenting challenges. I am a licensed clinical psychologist and found that I still had so much to learn (and in fact, took several pages worth of notes to share with my spouse). We joke that our highly sensitive and spirited 4 year old son is either going to change the world or just burn the whole thing to the ground (and many days it can vary minute by minute), so many of your recommendations and examples were particularly resonant. Thank you for normalizing and destigmatizing the challenges we are facing, and providing such clear, actionable guidelines for navigating parenting’s many ups and downs.”
— -Workshop participant
“ just came across your work tonight as I was trying to better understand my HS 4yo. He is the sweetest boy with the biggest heart, but it just shatters so easily... Tonight it was because a bandaid came off in the bath 🥺 Thank you for sharing your work with the world, you have changed mine. 🙏🏻”
— mom of 4 yo
“Claire Lerner is an absolute gem. Her presentation is so valuable because it is practical. What I find missing in so many parenting classes is active modeling of suggested language and strategies. Claire does this in spades. It is so helpful to just listen to her walk through example after example of how she would respond to the child. I wish I had a recording of our session so that I could listen over and over to her modeling of the language.”
— Workshop Parent
“I love Claire’s science-based approach and non-judgmental attitude. It was perfect—and she leaves enough time for questions.”
— Workshop Parent
“We first came to you for help with potty training for our then three-and-a-half year old son...We learned through our sessions with you that by giving him choices without letting on that we were invested in the outcome, he was regularly using the potty at home within a matter of weeks. We’ve used the “two good choices” in other areas when we noticed the same control dynamic creeping up , for instance, getting dressed in the morning, mealtimes, and taking a bath before bed. It’s working great—a whole new world! Thank you, Claire! ”
— Parent of a 5-year-old
“We began working with Claire when my oldest daughter was just two years old. Now a family of five, Claire has single handedly guided us through the process of early childhood parenting and continues to advise as we move towards more adolescent issues. Claire’s tactics changed us from ‘reactive’ parents, simply responding to behaviors, to more understanding, patient, and in control parents. ”
— Parents of 3 girls under 5
“You met with my husband and me twice about our son, who was consistently displaying overly emotional and sometimes aggressive behaviors over everyday minor setbacks. Thank you so much for the tools you shared with us. What we took from our sessions with you was that our son was completely normal and did not need to see a specialist - but that the issue was with how we were responding to him. Our own emotional reactions were like gas on a fire, and once we all calmed down, offered him “two great choices,” and removed the passionate responses (and trying to control every little thing), things really got better in our house… understanding our son’s temperament was really valuable. Thanks so much!”